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The Zuvar are a carnivorous, hunter species that reside in the northern parts of Nylus.

Male Zuvar

Example of a male Zuvar

Female Zuvar

Example of a female Zuvar

Height: 35–42 (shoulder height)
Length: 44–70 inches
Features: High Speed sprints

They are one of the decedents of the Baiyama sect of carnivorous species of the Risel peninsula. Thanks to their long, muscluar legs and spring-action spines, they are one of the fastest land mammals for their size and often live and hunt in packs of up to 12-24. Their fur is often either Orange or Black or a mix of both and changes in thickness depending on the seasons. Zuvars use their claws to dig into the ground as they run or grip onto prey that they hunt, or as a scratching weapon when fighting with other Zuvars. They have a batch of thick fur at the tip of their tails but only the males have manes around the the base of their necks. The also have sensitive ears that can pick up the faintest sounds, due their noses being average, they normally rely on their ears to find what they can't see with their eyes.

Pecking Order[]

A pack of of Zuvars have an instinct driven social order, predominately controlled by the females with an alpha female at the head of the pack. While both males and females go out on hunts, females eat first and leave the scraps to the males.

Gender Differences[]

The primary differences between the genders of Zuvars are paramount to how they are able to live day to day life. Females are not the only ones that go out on hunts, but they are better suited for it; with the help of larger claws, larger teeth and stronger, more slender muscles that their male counterparts. While males have more stamina and very high threshold for pain. Male Zuvars are easily recognizable by the tuft of fur that grows around their neck like a collar.

Mating habits[]

The Zuvar's mating season during late spring is the worst time to be a male Zuvar. A chosen male with be hunted by the females like they would any prey and attack the male with their teeth and claws usually in groups of three or more. The females brutally fight, wound and hold the male down with either teeth and body weight as they take turns, making the mating process very violent. Depending on the severity of the attack, at least 54% of male Zuvar survive past their first mating season.
